Most of you that have been following us for a while know we're a New England-based blog. And if you flipped on the news at any point last week, you probably saw that the entire East Coast of the US was getting beaten up by Hurricane Irene.
By the time Irene reached us up north, it had been downgraded to a tropical storm, but it still had plenty of strength left. We lost power on Sunday at 5 a.m., and as I write this now (9:30 p.m. on Thursday) we still don't have power. And the State of Connecticut is saying we probably won't get power back until sometime next week. Joy.
Needless to say, we weren't prepared for this. And if you're curious, I was able to find an internet connection and a working plug to get this info out.
And to make matters even more stressful, I'm currently in the middle of a move. Believe it or not, I need a 9 - 5 job to survive (just like the rest of you). And having just accepted a position in Massachusetts, I'm busy packing, finding a place to live and balancing my check book so the transition will (hopefully) go smooth.
But I just want to let everyone know that I have not abandoned Backstage Press. I have a list of reviews, news and other good stuff I want to get to in the coming month.
So for now I'm just taking a little break from writing and the Twitter machine to get my own life in order. But rest assured things will be up and running shortly.
And as always, thanks for sticking by. I've always said my readers are the reason I do this. I love you all. Check back soon, kids.