Sorry for the leave of absence, folks. Lately the majority of my time has gone to writing cover letters instead of blog posts. I also moved away from the Boston area for a while (we'll call it an indefinite hiatus from the city). But don't think I forgot about you.
Though my life is starting to resemble that awkward and horrible "transitional phase," there are a few perks. I finally get FUSE again, and that couldn't come at a better time. That's because starting Thursday, September 16 FUSE is airing Mark Hoppus' (blink-182, +44) new show entitled, A Different Spin with Mark Hoppus.
Basically this show is an hour-long music based talk show of sorts featuring blink's bassist at the helm. Along with comedian Amy Schumer, Hoppus will tackle all things music including interviews, live performances and backstage shots.
"It's going to be smart, funny, irreverent and professional enough to be a great show, while being wheels-off enough to always be on the edge of completely falling apart," Hoppus wrote on his blog.
Though we don't exactly know who Hoppus and company will have on the show, or exactly how crazy funny it will be, we have been provided a few sneak peaks. (See below) If the previews are anywhere near what Different Spin has in store for us, it'll be great.
It seems only natural that Hoppus would break into the television game. I mean, he's been honing his entrepreneurial skills for quite some time. Of course, he makes up 33 percent of the blink empire, he's had his own clothing brand and just last year he was writing weekly segments for SPIN Magazine entitled, Hopp on Pop. What else is left for the guy to do?
All I can say is the man has a gift. So get psyched for this show, people. It's setting up to be a killer... and it comes on early enough so you won't miss the week's episode of Jersey Shore.
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